Thursday, October 3, 2013

Patty Pans and Rainbow Plates and Tarot Update

This week I decided to have rainbow plates,  veggies of all colours in one plate.  I used the usual purple cabbage, butternut etc. 
In the past, one ingredient I stayed away from is Patty Pans.  I have always found them to be bitter and nasty. 

However, yellow veggies are not that easy to find so I confronted my fear and triumphed:)

Oven Roasted Patty Pans
Olive Oil
Powdered Nutmeg

Wash the patty pans thoroughly and coat with olive oil, sprinkle with nutmeg, salt and pepper.   Place in a roasting pan and roast for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Roasting the patty pans decreases the bitterness and it has a lovely caramelised flavour. I just added nutmeg on a whim and it was not a bad choice at all.

I also found a diluted version of tahini sauce and harrisa sauce at the store and they go great on sandwiches.

So I have been making good progress with tarot and have been reading tarot for people. I  am now getting referrals.  So fun!

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