Monday, April 25, 2016

tomato soup and grilled cheese and epiphany

I have been ordered to rest my feet due to a broken bone and have been spending a lot of time at home but not cooking too much. I am trying to make easy meals. The other day I made tomato soup and grilled cheese. The tomato soup was out of a Hienz can. It was surprisingly good.

I also had some kind of epiphany or something. I have realised that in certain instances, worrying about what people think of me and how they respond to me  matters less than what I feel, how I respond to people. My feelings are valid and provide an excellent compass with which I may navigate the world.

It seems obvious but for me this is a new learning. It's not about being arrogant but being self aware. This self awareness allows us to be kinder to the  people in our orbit, family, friends, lovers, even acquaintances - anyone who crosses our paths. Acknowledging one's feeling allows for honest, open hearted communications and interactions.

Also, love and light is a thing to strive for, it doesn't just appear. Sometimes you fake it till you make it, other times there is a visible path towards it.

Self honesty is not easy but it is essential. Communicating our authentic feelings is so difficult but unavoidable if we truly wish to live as  our best selves.

I don't usually sign off but today I will.

love and light, today and always.

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