Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It is December - Fun in the sun time!

So it is already December. I started this blog in January but it has been a hectic year so I didn't manage to post any new recipes, throughout the year.  I have now officially been a vegetarian for one year. I have been using a lot of new recipes and started using an unfamiliar ingredient: Halloumi Cheese. I managed to also attend a few braais and braaied the cheese on the grill. It helped.
Silon and I are friends now.
She has also started cooking and she makes the tastiest vegetable dishes. My favourites are:

- Peas and Tomato
- Cabbage and Potato
- Ekadasi Vegetable stew - no onions and garlic
- Spinach
- Her speciality is vegetable breyani.
I will ask her to share her recipes. I also learned that I really do not like food that has been cooked with ghee (clarified butter)

I am still good at cooking meat and I make (but not eat

- Prawns
- Mutton Curry
- Roast Chicken
- Fish Roes

I also tried and suceeded at bhajia.

Here's a poem:
You carried my light
You carried my light, for a long time
For a while, I saw it shining brightly in my eyes,
other times just glimmers as I walked in the dark,
flying high in the sky, it flooded me and I got confused about the source
It shone sometimes cool like the moon, bearable,
Other times scalding like the sun, unbearable
You carried my light, I am convinced you were aware of it.
And in your kindness, your generosity of spirit, and above all your wisdom, you gave it back.
So this is the moment when I acknowledge, not thru clenched teeth or a fake smile,
Not just to buy your face.
Or make a pretty poem.
But with you at the centre,
Of my awareness, my gratitude, my humility.
Thank you.

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