Monday, January 31, 2011

Ekadasi - Supper and Dessert

I decided to try and observe the Ekadasi fast which fell on Saturday.  For my practise run, I had bananas for breakfast and baked potato slices for lunch. I made the most awesome supper:

2 medium potatoes, sliced
1 larger tomato, sliced
pinch salt
pinch oregano
1 teaspoon olive oil ( I still have to check if olive oil is allowed)
250 g of mixed vegetables (butternut, peppers, baby marrows, patty pans)
1 teaspoon hing
mixed herbs

Coat potato and tomato slices with olive oil. Layer potato  slices in first layer of the steamer,  layer tomatoes directly on the potatoes, sprinkle oregano and salt and steam for 20 minutes
Next, mix remaining vegetables with hing, and mixed herbs and steam for 20 minutes. These two dishes together are delicious and filling.

Dessert was the most delicious part. I mixed half a teaspoon of cinnamon in 2 teaspoons of honey. Cored and cut the apple in 4 parts and coated with the honey mix and steamed for 15 minutes. Please try this at home.

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