Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Old movies that I liked – Cousins

Cousins is a light-hearted romance starring Ted Danson and Isabella Rosellini.
So Ted Danson’s character is described as being a loser at everything but life. I really like his character though, Cos he is like really relaxed and funny  and entertaining and Isabella Rosellini is this sweet girl who you just know is the type of girl who married the  nice guy with a steady job and potential. But we all know that guy, he turns out to be a freak with a panty fetish or something. In this case he is having an affair with Ted Danson’s beautiful but neurotic and  bitchy wife. So Ted Danson and Isabella Rosselini kinda figure it out and decide to pretend that they are having an affair but they fall in love. It’s this really sweet movie and they are so cute together. If you have a free Sunday afternoon, watch this movie.

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